Monday, August 9, 2010

First day of Class

Today was the first day of Classes! I had my cognitive psych class at 8AM, but the teacher was confused and showed up a few minutes late. Also, 2/3 of the class showed up 30 minutes late... seems like everyone is late around here. Anyways, here is my first day of school outfit, complete with cheesey grin! Haha. It's an awkward angle, but oh well.
On my way back from cognitive psych, I found a bookstore! (pictured below)

I decided it would probably help my spanish a lot if I read some books in spanish, so I stopped in and made a purchase. It was 270 pesos for the two books, about 26 dollars, and by far my most expensive purchase here. I think it will be worth it in the end, though! The books I bought were...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter y la piedra filosofa) and Love in the time of Cholera (el Amor en los tiempos del cólera). I am so excited to read them! I think I will start with Harry Potter.

A little while after my excursion to the bookstore, I went to Physics, which was uneventful. The class, though in english, is taught by a man with a VERY thick Russian accent. It at least provides a little entertainment.

After physics, I decided to wander around campus and snap a few pics para el blog. Here is the beautiful campus of "La Universidad de Las Americas!"

The Library (la biblioteca)

Flags representing the nations of all the students at the university!

Some of the pretty landscape of the campus

Cool Cacti.

Hey, who's hiding in the tree?

There are so many interesting tiles like this all over campus!
Lovely structures...

y finalmente, LA HACIENDA!

That's all for today! Hasta Mañana!

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